Thursday, July 19, 2007

Dreaming on a sunny summer afternoon!

This dream can be reality!!! It's all up to us. Do you want it bad enough?

Monday, July 16, 2007

Look what I found!

I found this while doing a google search on my favorite term, "military industrial mediatainment big pharma complex". I made this post back in 2005 on the milblog Blackfive. Good veterans with bad attitudes is a nice description of this blog. This was a response to people dogging Sheehan at Camp Casey TX.

"conservative veteran here, be proactive not reactive!
pro war people in crawford are REACTING to anti war protesters. it is sad to see so many people who have so much to loose and so little to gain from this war act as puppets for the military industrial mediatainment complex.

as much as i love and cherish all the men and women in the armed forces, i hate the way they are being used, and now how their families are being used to say it is the american way to kill and maim to enrich the already super rich and protect the racist nation of israel.

if you want to find wmd's in the mideast head northwest to israel. if you want to find a nation that sponsors terrorism head south to Saudi Arabia. if you want to find al qaeda's nest head east to pakistan. if you want to find human rights abusers and war criminals, look in washington dc and london.

i am a conservative. in other words we can't afford this war. the money, the loss of life, the ruined lives, the alienation of our allies, and we are giving china MORE rope to economically hang us with.

i've read this blog for a week now and many intelligent well intentioned people read and contribute. but there is one underlying thread...war is good, war will solve our problems. so many have bought into it.
airborne all the way

He he he!

Impeachment Blues!!!

Sheehan, an antiwar leader who simply amazes me, is threatening Pelosi! Nancy Pelosi, is failing us...bigtime, I mean bad!! Sheehan knows it and wants to run against her unless Pelosi brings up Articles of Impeachment by July 23, 2007. Ha! If Pelosi did that, the fountains of money from the "military industrial mediatainment big pharma complex" would stop.

The Gilded Age...again?

The Gilded Age never ended!!! The Plutocrats were moderated for some years, and the common man has made some strides, but the beast has been lurking and waiting. And now the esteemed bloggers at Crooks and Liars have a post about our favorite subject!!! How sweet it is to be ahead of the curve...again!!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Ronald Reagan!

The legendary Ronald Reagan. The most popular president of the 20th century. See what the media can make people believe and forget.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Mixed Results!

John Edwards voted for the Energy Bill! Here is his track record on the issues.
Look and see that he is not on our side. He talks about the poor, but he is feeding the rich. And he is by far the best option. That is sad. Feingold where are you??????????????????

Dana Rohrabacher is a punk!

In a article, Ann Wright tells of this slimy politician's remarks.
This guy needs to be imprisoned with Bush and the rest of the war criminals in Washington. And the day that these guys are locked up should be made a national holiday, celebrated til the end of time. A holiday commemorating the end of tyranny and reminding our posterity what happens to a criminally despotic administration and it's enablers.

"At that point, I had had enough of Rohrabacher. I stood up and said, "I did not serve 29 years in the US military and 16 years in the US diplomatic corps to see demise of the rule of law and violation of our own laws. Rohrabacher's statements are outrageous. No wonder the world hates us!"

Chairman Delahunt gaveled for me to stop speaking, and I was escorted by the police out of the committee room. I was not arrested." Thanks Ann!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Here come the drums!

Matt Taibbi rocks Alternet again with a blistering article on Imus and the bullshit! He cuts a swathe through this massive subject. I don't want to say much except read it, and yo! he mentioned Public Enemy which has had links on this site since day one whose rhymes we used as part of our creed!

"I'm one of those revolting well-off suburban white kids who grew up on PE and NWA and privately mourns the fact that he looks like an idiot in a Starter jersey. I love rap music, always have. But as an adult white male I also know a minstrel show when I see it, and that's what rap has turned into."-Matt Taibbi


"First of all, let's just get this out of the way: the idea that anyone in the media world gives a shit about the dignity of women, black or white, is a ridiculous joke. America's TV networks have spent the last forty years falling over each other trying to find better and more efficient ways to sell tits to the 18-to-35 demographic. They make hour-long prime-time reality dramas these days about shopping-obsessed sluts hitting each other with pocketbooks, for Christ's sake. Paris Hilton, a dumb, rich slut with a cock in her mouth, gets her own primetime show. MTV, the teenie mags, the pop music industry, they're basically all an endless parade of skinny, half-naked brainless whores selling makeup and jeans to neurotic, self-hating, weight-obsessed little girls." -Matt Taibbi

Monday, April 16, 2007

Couric the Mouthpiece of the Oligarchy!

From her time on the Today Show to her rise to CBS Anchor, Katie Couric has always been someone I have found to be very distasteful. I really didn't pay much attention to her until I heard in the 90's she paid her personal trainer $7000 a week. This link is to a collection of her vids on YouTube. This is the voice and face of the Plutocratic Oligarchy manufacturing opinion and consent in real time.

Here is an Alternet article with vid of to me her most blatant twisting of space and time. The best part of this article tells how these "personal" messages form her "notebook" are about as spontaneous and real as Casper the Friendly Ghost. So you have the gamut of bullshit, contrived earthiness, and indoctrination in one nice little package. Enjoy!!!

It Begins!!

Moqtada al Sadr and crew are making some moves. But not the black clad militiamen on the street, he has ordered his supporters on the Iraqi Cabinet to step down. They have. Also, peaceful demonstrations in Basra calling for the removal of their provincial governor. He is accused of oil related corruption. Hmmm, billions in oil and maybe corruption?

Hillary and Wal Mart!!

I have been against the Clintons since my political awakening years ago. Not for the usual reasons the rightwingers use to smear them, but because of the factual policy choices they have made, that if more widely known, would freak out the co called "liberals" and "progressives" that support them.

Village Voice article about Ms. Clinton serving on Wal Mart's board for several years. And please don't think I'm sexist because I don't like Ms. Clinton. Amy Goodman for President!!!!!! If you want hear the good stuff, listen to the interview she has with Mr. Clinton and how she rakes him over the globalization, Cuba/China, Iraq Sanctions, corporate greed coals!!!

Did I mention Rupert Murdoch, the Telecom Bill of '96, and the millions Rupert is giving to Ms. Clinton?

From the New York Times..."Fox News and The Post need Hillary to run for Senate and president," said James Carville, a political consultant who worked in the Clinton White House. "There is only one politician in America that gets people to watch television for or buy a newspaper, and that's her. No one else comes close." The theatre of deception is now ready for act 2!!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Found It!!!!

Most of the episodes of Carl Sagan's seminal PBS miniseries Cosmos can be found on Google Video!!!!! My sister Hazel and I watched this when we were so young and our eyes drank in the beautiful imagery, our ears listened to the enlightening voices and music, and our eager minds expanded!

The Iceman Cometh!!!

USA Today piece about The G-Man's upcoming "little talk" on capitol hill and some of the questions he will have to answer. This may actually mean something, because even Lindsey Graham, southern fascist extraordinaire wants to know whats up!!! Graham about Gonzales “has got an uphill struggle to reestablish his credibility with the committee, given prior statements,” Graham said. Wow the Plutocratic Oligarchy is acting incredibly democratic!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Fly! C'mon beat those wings!

Twenty five years, $20,000,000,000, multiple fatalities and this white elephant is still in the works. Yes the Marine Corp's "Osprey", a fusion of rotary and fixed wing aircraft is being deployed to Iraq. These things cost $80,000,000 apiece!
This New York Times article shows the total cost in lives and dollars, to date!

"The V-22 has been the Marines’ top priority — the Pentagon has spent $20 billion so far and has budgeted $54.6 billion for it. The money has bought a craft that is half-helicopter, half-airplane and whose speed, say the Marines, will save lives.

But the V-22 has also suffered some of the deadliest test crashes in Marine history. It has claimed 30 lives, 26 of them marines, in three test flight crashes. A fourth V-22 crashed, but there were no deaths then. Many more have been damaged in lesser incidents involving fires, stalled engines and software glitches."

Friday, April 13, 2007

Lee Iacocca! He gets it!

Mr. Iacocca has a new book out and here's a review!!! I like it what I have heard so far. He addresses the serious "leadership" issues our country faces economically and politically!

"We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind and we can't even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car." Booyah!!!

The 40% Solution!

Congress' approval ratings are up to 40%..weeeeeh! One hundred days and I don't see any real progress, except for a few of the so called leaders making harmless little quips like, "the president is not a king", "there's a new congress in town", and "a non binding resolution is a first step!" Hah! They couldn't poor piss out of a boot. One of these days!!!!

Let it be known, that the above link about the first 100 days is from Newsbusters, a blog of rightwing plutocratic schills, who sometimes make a good point. These cocksuckers are working to keep working people down, believe it!!! Check them out and you will see what I mean.


  • a privileged class holding hereditary titles
  • the quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of character or ideals or conduct
  • the state of being of noble birth

  • Ya we got them alright. A new nobility for a new century. And guess who the serfs are. We have come so far since the middle ages...not! Feudalism was a political system with three basic legs. The Nobles who were the military and the tax collectors. The Church which were the same thing but also told you how to get to's called tithing! And the serfs, the working class, tillers of the soil. Later the merchant class developed, thats when the working classes started feeding on each other at the direction of the Nobles and the Church.

    Sound Familiar?

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Got to tape this!

Record of Iraq War Lies to Air April 25 on PBS
By David Swanson
t r u t h o u t | Guest Columnist

Thursday 12 April 2007

Bill Moyers has put together an amazing 90-minute video documenting the lies that the Bush administration told to sell the Iraq war to the American public, with a special focus on how the media led the charge. I've watched an advance copy and read a transcript, and the most important thing I can say about it is: Watch PBS from 9:00 to 10:30 PM on Wednesday, April 25. Spending that 90 minutes will actually save you time because you'll never watch television news again - not even on PBS, which comes in for its own share of criticism.

Wolfy....bad Wolfy!!

Uberschmuck Paul Wolfowitz is being asked to resign by the staff of the World Bank says article in the Houston Chronicle. They say they don't trust him and that he should act "honorably"!!!! Hah! My cat will learn calculus first!!

Vonnegut dead at 84!

I have never been much of a novel reader, but Kurt Vonnegut is the man, now and forever. His style was unique. From Galapagos, "1492 was the year sea pirates started raiding the islands off the coast of North America."
My favorite is Cat's Cradle!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The Theatre of Deception!

Matt Taibbi strikes again. From and Alternet article on the coverage of the upcoming campaign.

"Like Seinfeld, the presidential campaign is essentially a "show about nothing," a prolonged prime-time character-driven drama crafted around a series of fake conflicts that always get resolved by the end of the program, in this case November, 2008. Marcia and Greg make driving-test bet in segment one; Marcia imagines instructor in underwear in middle segments; Marcia and Greg's bet ends in a tie, family loves each other again. In the old days the presidential show's writers tended to use actual political issues (Georgie and Hube argue about Vietnam!) as the starting points for their dramatic conflicts -- a natural artistic strategy, given that the subject matter was a real election in a giant country teeming with ugly social and economic problems -- but in the last few cycles the networks seem to have figured out that you can shoot even a whole season of a presidential race without including any of the boring political shit."

Boycott Circuit City?

Even by industry standards, Circuit Cities firing of 3400 "overpaid" employees was a bad move. This article from a Human Resources Executive website tells the tale. Boycott CC? I don't know I am afraid it might hurt more working people. Good luck American working man and woman...your on your own, unless you decide to (cough) um, ORGANIZE!!!!!!

They March!

New York Times article about the massive demonstration in Najaf. "Yankee go home" is the main sentiment. We are there for oil, their oil, they need to get over it and bow to our imperial power. Just because we don't want to be there, and they don't want us to be there...obviously means we should be there.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Too many people!

I have been on this bandwagon for years. Too many people not enough resources. Alternet article on this very subject. You will note on the image that there is a projected drop off in population. That is when the food riots and the wars that proceed them kill us off, the poor and working classes. This is not new, Soylent Green was a killer movie that shows us what we can expect. I read the book in junior high which is a lot different from the movie, but the basic premise of overpopulation is resounding!

Big Oil, Iraq, and your Wallet!

Another sweet vid from Jim Hightower on big oil and it's privatization and misappropriation of Iraq's oil! The big 4 oil companies are taking control and you probably haven't heard about this on MsM. A caller on NPR (NZR=national zionist radio) asked about this when the president of the American Enterprise Institute was on...he slipped right past it.

They just love us!!!

Moqtadah al Sadr, is the voice of the Iraqi anti-occupation movement. This article details the huge demonstration in Najaf yesterday. Bottom line, he is saying kill Americans not Iraqis. What would you do if you were an Iraqi? I don't want our men and women killed, but apparently there is nothing we can do short of nuking the whole region, to keep them safe from this guy. I know people who would support that! I can't help but think the Iraqis believe this guy is a George Washington/Robert Schueller rolled into one. The largest military industrial complex in the world, the best trained, best equipped, most motivated soldiers in history, and this guy owns the turf.

It's like something I heard once about Vietnam. A journalist was choppering into a forward area and he saw VC shooting arrows at his chopper. He asked another journalist, "how can you lose against someone who would shoot arrows at a helicopter?" The other journalist replied, "how can you beat someone who would shoot arrows at a helicopter?"

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Promoting Home!

Chomsky on promoting democracy in the United States!

"... if public opinion influenced policy, the U.S. would have diplomatic relations with Cuba, benefiting the people of both countries (and, incidentally, U.S. agribusiness, energy corporations, and others), instead of standing virtually alone in the world in imposing an embargo (joined only by Israel, the Republic of Palau, and the Marshall Islands). Washington would join the broad international consensus on a two-state settlement of the Israel-Palestine conflict, which (with Israel) it has blocked for 30 years -- with scattered and temporary exceptions -- and which it still blocks in word, and more importantly in deed, despite fraudulent claims of its commitment to diplomacy. The U.S. would also equalize aid to Israel and Palestine, cutting off aid to either party that rejected the international consensus."

And on Israel's relationship with us!

The US-Israeli relationship in its current form began in 1967.

In 1967, Israel performed an enormous service for the US. It destroyed independent secular Arab nationalism, which was considered a major threat.

The oldest and most valued US ally is Saudi Arabia - that is where most of the oil is and Saudi is probably the most extremist fundamentalist Islamic tyranny in the world.

The main centre of Arab nationalism was Nasser's Egypt. Israel destroyed Nasser's secular nationalism, and that's a tremendous boost to US power. Nasser was considered a great threat and it was feared that Nasser might use the region's resources for the benefit of its people, rather than to the benefit of the West, and at that point, the relationship with Israel was firmed up.

In 1970, something even more important happened. The Palestinians were becoming an organised, secular nationalist movement, which is frightening (to the US). They were in confrontation with Jordan, a US-British ally.

In fact, the Jordanian army was slaughtering (the Palestinians). It looked briefly as if Syria might intervene to protect Palestinians and that was considered a major threat to the Hashemite monarchy and also to the Gulf tyranny in Saudi...The US could not intervene at the time because it was tied up in Indochina.

Israel - at US request - mobilised its forces and Syria had to back off. At that point, US aid to Israel quadrupled. That was essentially the end of secular nationalism in the Arab world."

Saturday, April 7, 2007

It's about your kids damnit!!!

WTF??? What do you think this planet is going to be like in 50 years if we don't fix this now? Oil production is peaking, but population isn't. Demand grows as the supply of water, food, energy are diminishing. Climate change is becoming a serious headline, and our government yawns! And who will bear the brunt of it....the poor, the weak, the unrepresented, which is becoming most of us. The Money Party, with it's Republican and Democrat factions, will do nothing substantive for years...YEARS!!! It is politically turning off the cash to Israel. So our kids roast and starve so that the plutocrats can rake in MORE money.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Chomsky!!! Chomsky!!!

Chomsky on the looming war with Iran. He is my hero. He was writing about the Spanish Civil War when he was 12!!!!!!! Our President was still trying to unravel the mysteries of Tinker Toys when he was 12 and Cheney was eviscerating puppies!!! The MsM say he is anti american...if you watch the videos Chomsky 1 and 2 on the video bar, you will hear his PERFECT answer to that accusation!!!

Pelosi, Envoy of Peace!

Nancy Pelosi, leader! Yes I know, she is a mainstream politician who is still scared of her own shadow, and deep in the pocket of AIPAC and other special interest groups that hurt us, BUT she is talking to Syria!! Syria is not our enemy!!! Syria is not supporting terrorism, it is doing what we would do when confronted with a country like Israel. In this typically unilateralist article, Pelosi is called our Foreign Minister. Ha! Someone has to open dialog with these people and fix the mess Bush and Co. have made!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Plutocracy Live!

Ford CEO gets paid about $10000000/month as plants close and even white collars hit the ramp! Mullaly is his name, Robber Baron, economic raping is his game! Ford's losing money hand over fist! He is no Bob Nardelli, but give him time!!!


A clip from the History Channel, all I can say is AHHHHH!!! This is why this country will never be in danger of invasion!! To many country boys with full auto capability. When we can get it through their heads that we our constitution is in danger, then the shit will come down...plutocrats beware!!!!
But they are all happy and content so the plutocrats are safe...for now!

Alex Jones is very clever!

This guy is just a little crazy!! Beyond the Pale as some would say, but he has some really cool things to say. And a video I can't get over. It's from an episode of the old Andy Griffith show. It says it all!


So do we have to storm the Bastille? Lynch the tyrants? Revolution? I'm ready. I want to get off my office chair, and march to Washington and put some villains in chains. But it's impossible. Most people wouldn't go only because they might miss an episode of American Idol. Others, which I find incredible, still think our government is doing a good job. Those that are of the same mindset as I am, fear losing life, liberty, family, and their reservations at their favorite restaurant. Ha! What can we do?

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Rooooosssssiiiiieeeee!!! We can do it!!!!!!

Rosie O'Donnell, never had much of an opinion about you. But you laid it out on the View the other day! Ouch!!! I wonder who the skinny blonde headed bitch was on screen right. I'm sure she's a regular host, but since I don't even own a TV, I will never know. The Skinny Bitch is like so many people I meet and talk to. Convinced that Bush is doing the right thing and completely oblivious to the meat grinder we have created. And the guest host said the the term "war on terror" was propaganda...Amen!!!..uh, I mean Hell Ya....oh, I mean Yesssssss!!!!!

And another clip of Rosie pwning the blonde bitch!!! And listen to Barbara Wawa and her apologist bullshit!!! Ha!!!

Monday, April 2, 2007

"The wars within the war continue!"

Michael Ware talks on CNN and I like the messenger but his message is very very sad! He talks about Iraq and the political players that keep that will never fully work together. There are 6 of these segments, but this one is the most on point. The hellish chaos this man speaks of is the Plutocracy's bread and butter! They thrive on the business of pain and suffering. And it takes an Aussie to tell us!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Wicked Witch of Wall Street!

This Times Article gives some numbers on how well Ms. Clinton is doing at the corporate trough! Just like her old man, she sops up the soft money like a sponge. Leaving us, the working men and women of the US to fend for ourselves. As AIPAC, the DLC and the other special interest swine throw buckets of money at her, the Iraqi meat grinder still turns, the trade deficit still grows, and her Rupert Murdoch, a big contributor, admits to pushing for the War. And she will undoubtedly win!

Hope for the best!

Tsunami again! I hope those folks are doing ok. I'd pray, but I don't roll like that.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Maryland leads Populist Cause!

The Great State of Maryland and legislature are voting on a bill that would give it's 10 electoral votes to the Presidential candidate that won the most national votes not statewide votes! This Washington Post article is not bad. It's a first step. Now we need elections on Sunday, Finance Reform, and some real candidates...selected by us instead of the political and media elite of this country...and AIPAC!

Israel...the Death Machine!

Found this video on You Tube! I love putting up vids because so many American's don't like to READ! So if your one of those...WATCH and LISTEN!!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Big Surprise!

The Israeli's turned down the Arab League's offer! Israel is not accountable to anyone, not even to us, and they know it. Politically we can't turn off the tap of billions of dollars a year they get from us. They have spied on us, kept information from us, killed our people and it all OK! It has to be, because they have nukes. So the apartheid zionist racist religous state of Israel says another "fuck you" to the good people of this planet.

I met one today!

I was at work and this customer walks by with a Gitmo shirt on. I said cool shirt and rolled my eyes because I could tell he was a cop. Sure enough he just got back from Iraq where he trains Iraqi cops. He made this video which is OK, but the said some things that weren't. He told me it was nothing for him and his boys to break a guys kneecaps or hands. He told me one of his fellow Americans said, "Dude, these people have rights!" To which my new cop buddy says, "Dude, we're in Iraq, there are NO rights here!" This guy was early to mid 50's and a retired St. Louis County cop. Big fucking surprise he hurts people for kicks!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Jesus was a Populist!!!

Sweet article with exactly some issues I was thinking about on the way to work the other day. The Jesus portrayed in the New Testament is a socialist, progressive, egalitarian, really great guy...but like his father, he has a temper! You want fundamental social and political change for the good, unleash the populist in all Christians!! The Religous Right has got to be replaced by a Divine Populist Center, with no hatreds, no feuds, just an abiding desire to do good in the world! Blessed are the peacemakers!!! Did you forget that one Ralph Reed!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A picture is worth 1 million words!

In 4 years at least a billion words have been printed about the horror of this evil war against the people of Iraq. This picture shows innocent young life and the Plutocracy's shadow falling over it. "There's a man with a gun over there, telling me I've got to beware!"

I was listening to this lady on NPR yesterday (I know NPR is a Plutocratic Zionist Elitist Walmart funded propaganda organ) and they were interviewing a woman whose husband was in Iraq. She related how she was driving to pick up her daughter after school and how she saw a dead animal beside the road. She thought that could be my husband and it made her break down. It made me misty just hearing about it. This pic says the same thing to me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Torture...not us!

I am still fucknuts crazy about us being a torture nation. This vid was a big step in making me really hate the Junta. Lawless Bastards!!!!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

This guy rocks!

Rolling Stone writer Matt Taibbi rocks!! He has a column on Alternet and I can't wait for the next entry. He was a little rough and the 911 truth crowd, but I believe he means what he says. He cusses too, and I appreciate vulgarity in political analysis! I won't give Rolling Stone any props because I quit reading that in the late 80's when they started running Army and Nationl Guard recruiting ads.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Zbig News!

Zbigniew Brzenzski, who I used to think was the Internationalist Satan of Globalization and One World Government (my Libertarian days of the early '90s), is a cool mofo. Video of him schooling Charlie Rose, who I for sure fucking hate. He was on Jon Stewart recently but can't find the vid. It's on Crooks
which I love!!

This reminds me....

When I was in U.S. Army Basic Combat Training in the summer of 1981, there was these two! They were straight as a string, but they had quickly decided, after 3 days, that the Army life was not for them. They went right up to our Reception Station NCO in charge and started macking...I mean hard!! They were on a bus home the next!! Don't ask, don't mack!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I bet he did! It took awhile, but Khalid Sheik Mohammed has confessed to multiple terrorist attacks all over the world. Is he a bad guy? Certainly, but that doesn't mean you can torture him...which is what they did.

What time is it?

Found a timeline of the Bush and Co. expedition into the Mideast on the Mother Jones site. I love when design and the anti-plutocratic message come together.

Feel the Burn!

The "Owners" of this country are now turning on their middle management. White collars are tainted red from the Axe of unbridled plutocracy. Globalize! Trade Defecit? You never hear anyone talk about it.