Thursday, July 19, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Impeachment Blues!!!

The Gilded Age...again?

Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Ronald Reagan!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Mixed Results!

Look and see that he is not on our side. He talks about the poor, but he is feeding the rich. And he is by far the best option. That is sad. Feingold where are you??????????????????
Dana Rohrabacher is a punk!

This guy needs to be imprisoned with Bush and the rest of the war criminals in Washington. And the day that these guys are locked up should be made a national holiday, celebrated til the end of time. A holiday commemorating the end of tyranny and reminding our posterity what happens to a criminally despotic administration and it's enablers.
"At that point, I had had enough of Rohrabacher. I stood up and said, "I did not serve 29 years in the US military and 16 years in the US diplomatic corps to see demise of the rule of law and violation of our own laws. Rohrabacher's statements are outrageous. No wonder the world hates us!"
Chairman Delahunt gaveled for me to stop speaking, and I was escorted by the police out of the committee room. I was not arrested." Thanks Ann!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Here come the drums!

"I'm one of those revolting well-off suburban white kids who grew up on PE and NWA and privately mourns the fact that he looks like an idiot in a Starter jersey. I love rap music, always have. But as an adult white male I also know a minstrel show when I see it, and that's what rap has turned into."-Matt Taibbi
"First of all, let's just get this out of the way: the idea that anyone in the media world gives a shit about the dignity of women, black or white, is a ridiculous joke. America's TV networks have spent the last forty years falling over each other trying to find better and more efficient ways to sell tits to the 18-to-35 demographic. They make hour-long prime-time reality dramas these days about shopping-obsessed sluts hitting each other with pocketbooks, for Christ's sake. Paris Hilton, a dumb, rich slut with a cock in her mouth, gets her own primetime show. MTV, the teenie mags, the pop music industry, they're basically all an endless parade of skinny, half-naked brainless whores selling makeup and jeans to neurotic, self-hating, weight-obsessed little girls." -Matt Taibbi
Monday, April 16, 2007
Couric the Mouthpiece of the Oligarchy!

Here is an Alternet article with vid of to me her most blatant twisting of space and time. The best part of this article tells how these "personal" messages form her "notebook" are about as spontaneous and real as Casper the Friendly Ghost. So you have the gamut of bullshit, contrived earthiness, and indoctrination in one nice little package. Enjoy!!!
It Begins!!

Hillary and Wal Mart!!

Village Voice article about Ms. Clinton serving on Wal Mart's board for several years. And please don't think I'm sexist because I don't like Ms. Clinton. Amy Goodman for President!!!!!! If you want hear the good stuff, listen to the interview she has with Mr. Clinton and how she rakes him over the globalization, Cuba/China, Iraq Sanctions, corporate greed coals!!!
Did I mention Rupert Murdoch, the Telecom Bill of '96, and the millions Rupert is giving to Ms. Clinton?
From the New York Times..."Fox News and The Post need Hillary to run for Senate and president," said James Carville, a political consultant who worked in the Clinton White House. "There is only one politician in America that gets people to watch television for or buy a newspaper, and that's her. No one else comes close." The theatre of deception is now ready for act 2!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Found It!!!!

The Iceman Cometh!!!

USA Today piece about The G-Man's upcoming "little talk" on capitol hill and some of the questions he will have to answer. This may actually mean something, because even Lindsey Graham, southern fascist extraordinaire wants to know whats up!!! Graham about Gonzales “has got an uphill struggle to reestablish his credibility with the committee, given prior statements,” Graham said. Wow the Plutocratic Oligarchy is acting incredibly democratic!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Fly! C'mon beat those wings!

This New York Times article shows the total cost in lives and dollars, to date!
"The V-22 has been the Marines’ top priority — the Pentagon has spent $20 billion so far and has budgeted $54.6 billion for it. The money has bought a craft that is half-helicopter, half-airplane and whose speed, say the Marines, will save lives.
But the V-22 has also suffered some of the deadliest test crashes in Marine history. It has claimed 30 lives, 26 of them marines, in three test flight crashes. A fourth V-22 crashed, but there were no deaths then. Many more have been damaged in lesser incidents involving fires, stalled engines and software glitches."
Friday, April 13, 2007
Lee Iacocca! He gets it!

"We've got a gang of clueless bozos steering our ship of state right over a cliff, we've got corporate gangsters stealing us blind and we can't even clean up after a hurricane much less build a hybrid car." Booyah!!!
The 40% Solution!

Let it be known, that the above link about the first 100 days is from Newsbusters, a blog of rightwing plutocratic schills, who sometimes make a good point. These cocksuckers are working to keep working people down, believe it!!! Check them out and you will see what I mean.

- a privileged class holding hereditary titles
- the quality of elevation of mind and exaltation of character or ideals or conduct
- the state of being of noble birth
Ya we got them alright. A new nobility for a new century. And guess who the serfs are. We have come so far since the middle ages...not! Feudalism was a political system with three basic legs. The Nobles who were the military and the tax collectors. The Church which were the same thing but also told you how to get to heaven...it's called tithing! And the serfs, the working class, tillers of the soil. Later the merchant class developed, thats when the working classes started feeding on each other at the direction of the Nobles and the Church.
Sound Familiar?
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Got to tape this!
By David Swanson
t r u t h o u t | Guest Columnist
Thursday 12 April 2007
Bill Moyers has put together an amazing 90-minute video documenting the lies that the Bush administration told to sell the Iraq war to the American public, with a special focus on how the media led the charge. I've watched an advance copy and read a transcript, and the most important thing I can say about it is: Watch PBS from 9:00 to 10:30 PM on Wednesday, April 25. Spending that 90 minutes will actually save you time because you'll never watch television news again - not even on PBS, which comes in for its own share of criticism.
Wolfy....bad Wolfy!!

Vonnegut dead at 84!

My favorite is Cat's Cradle!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Theatre of Deception!

"Like Seinfeld, the presidential campaign is essentially a "show about nothing," a prolonged prime-time character-driven drama crafted around a series of fake conflicts that always get resolved by the end of the program, in this case November, 2008. Marcia and Greg make driving-test bet in segment one; Marcia imagines instructor in underwear in middle segments; Marcia and Greg's bet ends in a tie, family loves each other again. In the old days the presidential show's writers tended to use actual political issues (Georgie and Hube argue about Vietnam!) as the starting points for their dramatic conflicts -- a natural artistic strategy, given that the subject matter was a real election in a giant country teeming with ugly social and economic problems -- but in the last few cycles the networks seem to have figured out that you can shoot even a whole season of a presidential race without including any of the boring political shit."
Boycott Circuit City?

They March!

Monday, April 9, 2007
Too many people!

Big Oil, Iraq, and your Wallet!

They just love us!!!

It's like something I heard once about Vietnam. A journalist was choppering into a forward area and he saw VC shooting arrows at his chopper. He asked another journalist, "how can you lose against someone who would shoot arrows at a helicopter?" The other journalist replied, "how can you beat someone who would shoot arrows at a helicopter?"
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Promoting Democracy...at Home!

"... if public opinion influenced policy, the U.S. would have diplomatic relations with Cuba, benefiting the people of both countries (and, incidentally, U.S. agribusiness, energy corporations, and others), instead of standing virtually alone in the world in imposing an embargo (joined only by Israel, the Republic of Palau, and the Marshall Islands). Washington would join the broad international consensus on a two-state settlement of the Israel-Palestine conflict, which (with Israel) it has blocked for 30 years -- with scattered and temporary exceptions -- and which it still blocks in word, and more importantly in deed, despite fraudulent claims of its commitment to diplomacy. The U.S. would also equalize aid to Israel and Palestine, cutting off aid to either party that rejected the international consensus."
And on Israel's relationship with us!
The US-Israeli relationship in its current form began in 1967.
In 1967,
The oldest and most valued
The main centre of Arab nationalism was Nasser's
In 1970, something even more important happened. The Palestinians were becoming an organised, secular nationalist movement, which is frightening (to the
In fact, the Jordanian army was slaughtering (the Palestinians). It looked briefly as if
Saturday, April 7, 2007
It's about your kids damnit!!!

Friday, April 6, 2007
Chomsky!!! Chomsky!!!

Pelosi, Envoy of Peace!

Thursday, April 5, 2007
Plutocracy Live!


But they are all happy and content so the plutocrats are safe...for now!
Alex Jones is very clever!


Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Rooooosssssiiiiieeeee!!! We can do it!!!!!!

And another clip of Rosie pwning the blonde bitch!!! And listen to Barbara Wawa and her apologist bullshit!!! Ha!!!
Monday, April 2, 2007
"The wars within the war continue!"

Sunday, April 1, 2007
The Wicked Witch of Wall Street!

Hope for the best!

Friday, March 30, 2007
Maryland leads Populist Cause!

Israel...the Death Machine!

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Big Surprise!

I met one today!

Thursday, March 22, 2007
Jesus was a Populist!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007
A picture is worth 1 million words!

I was listening to this lady on NPR yesterday (I know NPR is a Plutocratic Zionist Elitist Walmart funded propaganda organ) and they were interviewing a woman whose husband was in Iraq. She related how she was driving to pick up her daughter after school and how she saw a dead animal beside the road. She thought that could be my husband and it made her break down. It made me misty just hearing about it. This pic says the same thing to me.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Torture...not us!

Friday, March 16, 2007
This guy rocks!

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Zbig News!

which I love!!
This reminds me....

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What time is it?

Feel the Burn!

"conservative veteran here, be proactive not reactive!
pro war people in crawford are REACTING to anti war protesters. it is sad to see so many people who have so much to loose and so little to gain from this war act as puppets for the military industrial mediatainment complex.
as much as i love and cherish all the men and women in the armed forces, i hate the way they are being used, and now how their families are being used to say it is the american way to kill and maim to enrich the already super rich and protect the racist nation of israel.
if you want to find wmd's in the mideast head northwest to israel. if you want to find a nation that sponsors terrorism head south to Saudi Arabia. if you want to find al qaeda's nest head east to pakistan. if you want to find human rights abusers and war criminals, look in washington dc and london.
i am a conservative. in other words we can't afford this war. the money, the loss of life, the ruined lives, the alienation of our allies, and we are giving china MORE rope to economically hang us with.
i've read this blog for a week now and many intelligent well intentioned people read and contribute. but there is one underlying thread...war is good, war will solve our problems. so many have bought into it.
He he he!airborne all the way