Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Impeachment or die!

Bush and the Plutocracy are planning to send more troops! More deaths! In this article, we see the same pattern of loss and death! In this article you can see what the mindless sheep who support the Plutocracy think. These people aren't CEOs or Greenwich CN types. They are hard working americans, good people, who vote for who they "want to be" instead of "who they are."
That is the saddest aspect of the corporate media control of the minds of decent americans. They make average americans believe in a system that is directly opposed to their goals and needs. If we don't lock Bush and his peeps up, he will continue to kill our kids! Forever!

1 comment:

Hazel Stone said...

That's one of ther reasons I am glad I subscribe to the Nation (which has a great online version, also). They are really great at bringing big issue to a "why the hell should I care?" level.

Also, they interesperse the (almost relentless) bad news with some stories of victories and ways of doing things that work.